Authority of the NBTC
1. To prepare Frequency Management Master Plan, National Frequency Allocation Table, Broadcasting and Television Business Master Plan, Telecommunications Business Master Plan, Radio Frequency Plan, and Telecommunications Number Plan.
2. To allocate frequency assignment between frequencies used in Television Business, Radio Communications Business, and Telecommunications Business
3. To define nature and type of broadcasting business, television business, and telecommunications business.
4. To consider licensing and govern utilization of frequency and radiocommunication equipment in operation of broadcasting business, television business, and telecommunications business, or in telecommunications business, and prescribe rule and procedure for licensing, condition or fee of such licensing.
5. To prescribe rules of efficient and non-interference utilization of frequency both in the same type of business and between different types of businesses.
6. To consider licensing and governing the operation of broadcasting business, television business, and telecommunications business to ensure the service user’s receipt of quality, efficient, fast, proper and fair service; and prescribe rules and procedures of licensing, conditions or fee of such licensing.
7. To consider licensing and governing the use of telecommunications numbers and prescribe rules and procedures of licensing, conditions or fee of such licensing.
8. To prescribe rules and procedures for network access and interconnection, and rules and procedures for setting access or interconnection charge rate in operation of broadcasting business, television business, and telecommunications business, both in the same type of business and between each type of business, to be fair for the service users, service providers and investors, or between the telecommunications service providers under main concern on public interest.
9. To set fair fee rate structure and service charge rate structure in broadcasting business, television business and telecommunications business for the service users and service providers under main concern on public interest.
10. To set standards and desired technical specifications for operation of television business, telecommunications business, and in radiocommunications business.
11. To prescribed preventive measure of anti-monopoly act or unfair competition in broadcasting business, television business, and telecommunications business.
12. To establish measure to ensure universal and equal telecommunication service distribution under Section 50.
13. To protect the right and liberty of the people to avoid advantage from the business operators; protect the individual right of privacy and freedom to communicate to each other by means of telecommunications; and promote right, freedom and equality of the people in access to and utilization of frequency used in broadcasting business, television business, and telecommunications business.
14. To coordinate about frequency management both in the country and abroad.
15. To judge and solve problem of utilization of interfered frequency one another.
16. To monitor, give counsel and advice on the operation of broadcasting business, television business, and telecommunications business.
17. To prescribe the nature of merger, possession of transmedia right, or domination of broadcasting business and television business that utilizes frequency between mass media or by any other person, resulting in obstruction of freedom in perception of news information or blockage of public acquisition of various news information.
18. To promote the aggregation of licensee, program producer, and mass media practitioner relating to broadcasting business and television business in term of organization in various forms to perform duty of preparation of ethical standards of occupation or profession, and control on occupation or profession among each other under ethical standards.
19. To issue rules or notifications under Section 58.
20. To approve expenditure budget of the Office of the NBTC, and allocated money into fund under Section 52.
21. To consider and give consent on fund allocation as proposed by the Fund Management Committee under Section 55.
22. To provide information and mutually carry out negotiation or make the agreement between the government of the Kingdom of Thailand, and foreign government or international organization in the matter relating to frequency management, broadcasting business, television business, telecommunications business, or other related businesses.
23. To suggest the Cabinet for enactment of laws or amendment or cancellation of laws relating to frequency assignment, and other executions relating to frequency, broadcasting business, television business, and telecommunications business.
24. To issue rules, notifications, or orders relating to authority of NBTC.
25. To take any other actions as prescribed in this Act or other laws on determination of nature of merger, possession of transmedia right or domination under (17), NBTC shall perform public or related party hearing in combination.
Exercise of authority under paragraph one shall not be in conflict or contradiction with broadcasting business and television business operation law, telecommunications business operation law, and radiocommunication law, all general applicable rules, notifications or orders upon promulgation in the Government Gazette for enforcement.
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